Teen Handcuffed Clip
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This is the moment a Black teen is \"slam dunked\" to the ground and handcuffed in a Superdrug store while his mum claims he was buying shampoo. The parent shared a clip on Twitter of her 15-year-old son being sat on by 'civilian security staff' in the Chichester shop on Wednesday afternoon.
The woman alleges that after 90 minutes of not knowing what happened to her son, she found out the teen was taken to Worthing Police station and arrested on suspicion of assault, where he currently remains. She also claims that her son is no stranger to racial abuse and is \"harassed pretty regularly\" on the street and frequently stopped by police.
A Sussex Police spokesperson said: \"We are aware of a video circulating on social media of a teenager being detained by civilian security staff in Chichester on March 22. Police were called to the store in East Street shortly after 3.30pm to reports of a group of teenagers involved in an altercation.
\"A shop worker also reported being assaulted. Officers attended the scene and three teenagers had been detained by civilian security staff. A 15-year-old boy from Worthing and a 16-year-old boy from Chichester were arrested by police on suspicion of assault. They remain in police custody pending urgent enquiries, supported by appropriate adults. Enquiries are ongoing to establish the full circumstances of what happened.\"
Two New Jersey police officers are under investigation after a video shows them seemingly showing preference to a white teen while pinning a Black teen down after breaking up their fight at a shopping mall last weekend. The viral clip has many, including the white teen involved, alleging bias.
Joey actually throws Kye onto a couch, but eventually, the tussle leads them to the ground. Joey maintains the advantage by standing over Kye, as the Black teen swings wildly from his unfortunate position. Within 10 to 15 seconds of the fight starting, the officers swarm in.
On Aug. 22, 2007, West Valley City Officer Kevin Salmon spotted Christopher Cotton sleeping in a Mitsubishi Eclipse parked at a 7-Eleven. The store employees said it was OK for Cotton, 22, to be there, and Salmon left. When Salmon returned two hours later, Cotton was still asleep. This time the employees told the police officer they wanted the man to leave because he was in a handicapped-accessible parking stall.
The woman in the video, who was housesitting at the time of the arrest, said officers hit her in the head and pointed guns at her before shoving her to the ground in handcuffs and verbally berating her. She is the godsister of Cawanda Harris, the mother of one of the teens, and asked not to be named by the press. Both women say that the officers never produced an arrest warrant for the boys.
Gov. Phil Murphy and the Office of the Attorney General ordered a review of the incident after a roughly one-minute video clip posted online drew national attention, gaining millions of views and sparking accusations wrongdoing by the responding officers.
The short clip -- posted to TikTok, Twitter and Instagram -- shows officers ordering the riders to dismount their bikes, amid crosstalk. The officers then handcuff the young Black male. Officers then lead him to the police SUV and place him in the back.
A second video, 17 minutes in length and posted to YouTube by the same person who filmed the shorter clip, shows more than a dozen young riders, which included people of different races, at times weaving in and out of traffic on their bikes and riding on the wrong side of the road. The footage, which is edited, shows riders popping wheelies, chatting, stopping to buy a 24-pack of bottled water and jumping off steps on their bikes. They also at times cross over the double yellow line into traffic and veer close to cars, appearing to graze them.
About 8 minutes into the clip, the voice of an officer in a police vehicle is heard on a megaphone telling the group to stop. The group, which at that point was at least five people, including the person who ends up getting handcuffed, stopped.
Prior to the teen's arrest on April 17, four other calls had been made regarding groups of juveniles riding hazardously through Perth Amboy, the report said. Contact was made between police and the young riders in each case and the latter was issued warnings to cease any reckless behavior.
CYPRESS, Texas - Newly obtained court documents explain how a pair of handcuffed, malnourished twins managed to sneak out of their home in Texas, prompting their mother to flee hundreds of miles with her remaining children back to their hometown of Baton Rouge.
After speaking with the teens, deputies went to the family's home early Tuesday morning to find that Duncan and her boyfriend had vanished with her remaining children, five kids ages 7 to 14. Authorities issued an Amber Alert out of Harris County, and police tracked them to a parking lot on Nicholson Drive in Baton Rouge, just off LSU's campus, hours later Tuesday afternoon.
A rally hardly seemed necessary for the Rockies given the way the Cubs performed on defensive in the fourth. They began making mistakes more suited for rookie ball. A hopper handcuffed Ryan Theriot. Aramis Ramirez, before leaving with a sore left shoulder, botched a Troy Tulowitzki groundball with his glove then kicked it with his foot.
The Associated Press (AP) reports Bessner fired a Taser from the passenger seat of a patrol car while he and his partner chased 15-year-old Damon Grimes as he rode an all-terrain vehicle (ATV). Grimes crashed the ATV and died after he was hit by the immobilizing device. The former trooper, who had a history of allegations of misusing his Taser, claimed the teen was reaching for a gun. Investigators found the teen was unarmed.
This was Bessner's second time being tried for Grimes' death. Last fall, he took the stand during a trial in which he \"emotionally\" testified that the teen, who was Black, was carrying a gun. The first trial resulted in a hung jury.
During the second trial, jurors heard the testimony of a state police lieutenant who explained how a Taser can be as a \"tool of deadly force\" and an audio clip of Bessner saying he wished he'd used a Taser in a separate ATV incident.
According to the AP, Bessner was cleared of misconduct allegations in how he used his Taser while chasing a suspect only two months before Grimes was killed. In 2014, Bessner agreed to a brief suspension after he was accused of misconduct for firing a Taser at a handcuffed man.
I disagree......when a trained cop shots someone they immediately place them on leave to investigate and in most cases their shooting are justified so why is Zimmerman still walking around.....Yeah he may be innocent until proven guilty but there needs to be some form of charges filed because he went against police orders All of this could have been avoided had Zimmerman stayed in his car and not confront, he would not have had a bloody nose or bloody head had he not confronted, Trayvon would be alive had Zimmerman stayed in his car and not confronted, Zimmermans house wasnt being burglarized so he should not have fired and if Trayvon meant him any harm he would have plenty of time to attack Zimmerman prior to him getting out of the car since his 911 call says he was coming towards him....AND if Zimmerman had just drove off none of it would have happened.....Zimmerman even said something stupid on the 911 call about not giving out his address to the dispatcher....what why notdid he think Trayvon would over hear him give it out and come to his house Doesnt sound right to me....sounds like he didnt want them to get to where he was right away. So where is the call to Zimmermans phone since he told the dispatcher to have the cops call him when they arrived Since he said he needed help and no one would come had he gave his true location then they would have helped him and and all i can say about his injuries is what when you approach a scared person that adrenalin gave Trayvon the strength to defend himself from someone stalking him at the time and for all he knew he may have thought he was being targeted and decided to defend himself but unfortunately fists and head bashing just is no match for a bullet. I hope forensics will paint the true story of how Zimmerman was able to pull his gun rather than fight to get Trayvon off him since he says he needed help....Seems to me Zimmerman should have been trying to get Trayvon off him or shielding his head because if Trayvon was a real danger he too would have had a gun and FACT IS HE DID NOT. Moral of story.....none of this would have happened if Zimmerman had followed orders and that alone means he should be arrested for negligence or some other law im sure he broke which some lawyer will point out....He may not get a murder or manslaughter charge but he will see his day in court and the civil suits will break him because he shot and unarmed boy regardless and killed him. Im waiting for someone to post the nose bleed and head trauma photos of Zimmerman but still will only tell us that he was getting his tail kicked by a teenager and needs to find another line of volunteer work.
Doug, Do you have children No, it may not be clear cut, but have you read what the dispatcher said to this man after he asked if he should follow The dispatcher said no don't do that sir. So here is my question why are you out I the street with a 9 mm and why would you pursue someone after you are told not too I have a seventeen year old and he wears a hoodie soooo......that gives someone the right to follow him then shoot him Maybe try an did hit this Zimmerman but, if he was being followed maybe he was scared and just trying to get away. I think you are the one we should feel sorry for.
this story has been the highlight in almost every family home. My best friend in Germany is outraged! Every day it seems there is some new information about this case. I didn't realize that that child was screaming for help prior to gunshots ringing out. I am \"P-ed off\" with anger and frustration because this 15 year old was coming from a store minding his own business, Zimmerman, does what we all are aware of, but it hits me after actually listening to the 911 calls on the video clip from Anderson Cooper..that Trayvon was crying for help because Zimmerman was clearly doing something to him. I believe he attacked Trayvon and in return Trayvon was defending himself. That explains the moron's bloody nose and bruised back. Zimmerman took the opportunity to pull his gun out, maybe because a 15 year child was beating his rear,lol. He shoots the boy,which, unless you are hearing impaired, we all heard on the 911 call. But Zimmerman, Mr. \"Head of Neighborhood Watch, Zimmerman, was defending himself. How can you sleep at night knowing what trayvon, yourself, god, and the whole world knows. You started the altercation, that's not self-defense. Furthermore, you lost yourself \"self\" defense when you told the police that YOU were following him and they told you it was not needed. These charges need to flow because we all know it would have turned out a little different had the tea bag been dropped into the cup of clear water....the color changes!!!! 59ce067264