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If another hacker does this, then they will be able to put any game on the ps3 in a matter of minutes! and that means that Sony will be out of the console market for good. We have seen what happens when sony doesn't support games anymore. Nintendo is turning a profit, now it is time for Sony to do the same, or else they are dead.
I don't see the appeal of owning a Sony PS3, and I don't see the value of the PS3 as an entertainment device. Sony has become one of the most untrustworthy companies in the gaming industry in my eyes. 827ec27edc
Go Away Romeo Klmanga のよく発達したキャラクターは、その長所の 1 つです。 ゴー・アウェイ・ロミオ・クルマンガ ロミオとジュリエットは、それぞれが独自の問題、欠点、問題を抱えた複雑な人物として描かれています。物語の中で成長し、変化していく彼らに読者は共感し、好感が持てるようになります。ロミオは最初、運動が得意だが人生に本当の目的を持たない、気さくで人望の厚い子供として描かれます。
Getting lost in the world of my rwading manga is like setting out on an enthralling adventure where the possibilities are endless. With every turn of the page, a rich tapestry of colourful personalities, complex narratives, and visual brilliance that goes beyond simple illustration is revealed.