Endgame Strategy Shereshevsky Pdf 85
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A bit sad that no endgame and puzzle books are worthy for the top-10. I would definitely rate a lot of new books to have better chances of making chess players stronger than many of the above books but of course the list only covers relatively old books.
5-unit reciprocal zugzwangs 64 TT 1996 146 (125)5 units or less Revista Romana de Sah TT 1979 420 (64)8 units or less KSFAH 1997-98 503 (132)10 units or less Shakhmatnaya nedelya 2003 129 (150)10 units or less, themes discovered by Soviet composers Ukrainian Committee for Physical Culture Ty 1983 398 (79)Analytical Section Magyar Sakkelet 1980 76 (69)Aristocrats Vodka Ty, Wageningen 2006 259 (167)Battery checkmate 8th Ukrainian Team Championship 1985 338 (91)Battle of Kulikovo 64 Kulikovo TT 1980 508 (82)Castling Reiners MT 1980 776 (100)Castling Shakhmaty v SSSR 10th TT 1979 411 (64)Check and cross-check Uralskie Skazy 1991 136 (106)Check answered by mate Uralskie Skazy 1992 325 (110)e2-e4 mate Uralskie Skazy 1992 325 (110)Echo-chameleon Liburkin MT 2003 138 (159-62)En passant capture Niekarker Kruujebitter Ty 2006 258 (167)Knight & Pawn v Rook and Bishop with Pawn(s) Uralskie Skazy 1990 213 (108)Malyutki Chavchavadze MT 1987 [SS] 769 (100)Malyutki Gurgenidze-55 JT 2008 76 (179 supplement)Malyutki Schach 1983-84 [SS] 207 (88)Malyutki Serov-100 1994 850 (121)Malyutki Shakhmaty v SSSR 1982 480 (81)Mate by double check Uralskie Skazy 1990 214 (108)Mate or stalemate in centre of board Makhatadze-70 JT 258 (167)Mate studies Lazard MT 2000 136 (159-62)Mate with at least one Black piece pinned 3rd WCCT 1984-88 625 (97)Miniatures Benko-80 JT 140 (180)Miniatures Bron JT 1980 [SS] 481 (66)Miniatures Gurgenidze-55 JT 2008 72 (179 supplement)Miniatures Kralin-55 JT 2000 [SS] 438 (142)Miniatures Metsniereba da tekhnika 468 (113)Miniatures Mitrofanov-70 MT [SS] 16 (148)Miniatures Molodoi Leninets 1986 407 (92)Miniatures Molodoi Leninets 1989 855 (101)Miniatures 10th Russian Team Championship 1989-90 247 (109)Miniatures Spartak (Kurgan) 1984 111 (85)Miniatures Subbotnaya gazeta 1991 312 (110)Miniatures van Reek-50 1995 854 (121)Miniatures Rishon-Letzion CC 60 AT 1998 [SS] 79 (159-62)Miniatures, correction/improvement of old problems Vandiest-80 JT 2001 501 (143)Miniatures, with only 1 unit of each type 4th Hero-Cities Match 1999-2000 210 (138)Minimals Diagrammes TT 1992 285 (139)Minor piece v minor piece or rook Dore 75 JT 2007 19 (175)Mirror mate Boris 10th AT 1993 397 (112)Mirror stalemate 2nd Boris Ty 1999 588 (133)The pawn as the soul of the endgame study Philidor-200 MT 1994 626 (116)Pawn studies Shakhmaty v SSSR 14th TT 1985 258 (89)Pawn studies Grigoriev-100 1995-97 21 (135)Pawn studies Lazard MT 2000 134 (159-62)Pawnless (aristocratic) draws Chervony Girnik TT 1980 16 (67)Pawnless studies Budapest Quick Composing Ty 1988 504 (95)Promotion to bishop or rook Calvi MT 1999 178 (137)Reciprocal Zugzwang 64 TT 1996 146 (125)Rook endings with underpromotion Shakhmaty v SSSR 13th TT 1985 256 (89)Rook studies Kalandadze-70 JT 2006, Special section 242 (167)Same man is pinned, then unpinned 4th WCCT 230 (109)Studies for the practical player Dvoretsky 60 JT 2007 272 (174)Study based on actual game ending Book JT 1980 41 (68)Study based on actual game ending see STUDIES FROM GAMES TourneysStudy within a study Neidze-70 JT 2007 35 (179)Task transfer Arves-10 JT 2000 282 (139)Trebled pawns Moscow Open Championship 2006 121 (172)Two underpromotions Uralskie Skazy 1991 135 (106)Ultra modern studies van Reek-50 JT 1995 859 (121)White force restricted to WK and one other man Akerblom MT 1983 524 (82)White refuses to capture BQ Topko-65 JT 2004 98 (159-62)Win: avoidance of stalemate away from board's edge 5th WCCT 1993-96 207 (126)Win studies with both checkmate and stalemate 64 TT 1995 903 (122)Win: White's reply to check is instant checkmate 11th Russian Team Champ 1992 86 (124)
Abrahams, G. Chess endings - didactic and Epicurean 445 (15)Afanasiev, G. and Dvizov, E. Declining the double attack, as a study theme 290 (10), also p.323 (11)Afanasiev, G. and Dvizov, E. Unpinning in studies 115 (20)Afek, Y. Action at the crossroads 128 (170)Afek, Y. Birth pangs of a study 339 (159-62)Afek, Y. The cherry: Qg5 !! 309 (190)Afek, Y. Corners revisited 165 (173)Afek, Y. Czech and Slovak highlights 331 (186)Afek, Y. Ever higher: Excelsior Plus 19 (187)Afek, Y. Exceptional pawn endings 124 (184)Afek, Y. Game-like positions 21 (183)Afek, Y. His Excellency ... The Rook! 37 (171)Afek, Y. Ideal final pictures [Corus-70 Tourney] 127 (172)Afek, Y. In the footsteps of Reti 124 (180)Afek, Y. Improving the greats 211 (193)Afek, Y. Jurmala 2008 249 (174)Afek, Y. Kings and pawns awaiting guests 114 (188)Afek, Y. The magic of the chameleon-echo 313 (194)Afek, Y. Marcel Dore: life and career milestones 16 (175)Afek, Y. Meeting ambitious challenges [Gady Costeff] 117 (183)Afek, Y. More logical gems 206 (189)Afek, Y. Multiple knight promotions 213 (185)Afek, Y. Mutual queen sacrifices 113 (192)Afek, Y. The Olympic spirit 73 (176)Afek, Y. The pawn endings of Vitaly Kovalenko 116 (196)Afek, Y. The positional draws of Sarychev 176 (177)Afek, Y. Postponing satisfaction 273 (178)Afek, Y. Still marching on [pawn studies] 29 (175)Afek, Y. The systematic manoeuvres of Gamlet Amiryan 11 (195)Afek, Y. Tel-Aviv 100 AT 2009: Centenary highlights 202 (181 supplement)Afek, Y. Tough nuts 256 (174)Afek, Y. Triple-pin stalemate 11 (191)Afek, Y. Two for the price of one! 80 (169)Afek, Y. Vive la petite difference 36 (168)Afek, Y. Youth prevailed in Corus solving 71 (176)Akobia, I. About Endgame TableBases (EGTBs) 182 (173)Aliev, I. Samir Badalov (1962-2011) 315 (186)Aliev, I. How I became a composer 555 (133)Aliev, I. Twins 676 (146)Aloni, H. The early days: a star is born [Gady Costeff] 116 (184)Asaba, E.A. The evolution of an old idea 280 (90), [and] comments by P.Benko 450 (94)Averbakh, Y. [Appreciation of Andre Cheron] 427 (64)Avner, U. [Appreciation of John Roycroft, at 80] 309 (178 Supplement)Avni, A. [Appreciation of John Roycroft, at 80] 309 (178 Supplement)Avni, A. Check and counter-check 814 (101)Avni, A. FIDE Album 2001-2003 judging criteria 176 (166)Baburin, A. Important defensive techniques in rook endgames 148 (125)Badaj, B.V. Beware of standard criteria! 241 (9)Bazlov, Yu. Beating the time - Vitaly Kovalenko (1947-2014) 112 (196)Beasley, J.D. Getting the data right 887 (122)Beasley, J.D. Mining definitive endgame result databases for studies 300 (153)Beasley, J.D. Newcomers' Corner 13 (33), 41 (34), 74 (35), 81 (36), 114 (37), 162 (38), 177 (39), 277 (43), 305 (44)Beasley, J.D. On being a chess endgame impresario 313 (178 supplement)Beasley, J.D. On Dobrescu's treatment of the chess study as a multi-criteria system 286 (139)Beasley, J.D. On laws, conventions and codexes 833 (121)Beasley, J.D. One thing leads to another 7 (33)Beasley, J.D. Promotion tasks with minimal force 337 (45)Beasley, J.D. Some studies from Alexandre 93 (164)Beasley, J.D. The testing of chess endgame studies by computer 784 (119 supplement)Benko, P. Birth of a modern endgame study 120 (55)Benko, P. Cooking the cook 91 (124)Benko, P. Grandmaster Richard Reti's endgames 260 (182)Benko, P. Make it good, make it better! 95 (124)Benko, P. Twins - double your output! 337 (153)Benko, P. Variations on a theme 393 (79)Bent, C.M. All right then, so Black makes a queen 145 (21)Bent, C.M. At work with the J.R.Harman index 78 (19)Bent, C.M. Bent's last case 195 (159-62)Bent, C.M. [Contribution to Essay Competition on soundness] 25 (68)Bent, C.M. Some aspects of composing 325 (12)Bent, C.M. Symmetry 79 (4)Bent, C.M. Towards perfection 48 (18)Bent, C.M. Workshop 248 (25)Blundell, D. Zugzwang-based studies in the GBR 0001.nn range 315 (140)Bondar, I. Aggressive agoraphobes all ! 146 (165)Bondar, I. The fight against the Black queen 187 (137)Bondar, I. Four knights beat the queen! 92 (136)Bondar, I. Monochrome troikas 459 (142 supplement)Bondar, I. New ideas on the domination theme 50 (135)Bondar, I. The three-knight struggle set in with Troitzky - who else 464 (142 supplement)Bondarenko, F.S. Gallery of study composers - V.A.Yakovenko 415 (14)Bondarenko, F.S. A new kind of study competition 481 (95)Botvinnik, M. and Neidze, V. The All-Union tourney of Komunisti, 1973 [judging system] 235 (41)Bourzutschky, M. and Konoval, Y. News in endgame databases 220 (185), 321 (186), 122 (188), 316 (190), 18 (191)Bouwmeester, H. Julien Vandiest 90 years! 186 (177)Bron, V.A. The work of Z.M.Birnov 356 (12)Bruch, W. Exploring the watershed between more-mover and study pp.54-88 (Supplement to 171)Bruch, W. Saving a classic Zepler study 83 (169)Buijs, H. The place of Bianchetti's \"Contributo alla Teoria dei Finali di Soli Pedoni (1925)\" in the theory of corresponding squares 145 (159-62)Campioli, M. An unknown Lasker study 207 (189)Capsey, S.R. Pawn mates 58 (18)Cheron, A. The \"ideal\" mate: a personal view 244 (58)Cheron, A. Sur les fins de partie au jeu d'echecs 37 (3)Cheron, A. and Villeneuve-Esclapon, J. de The theme of domination of the rook's cross by the bishop 3 (67)Chicco, A. Books in the Italian language [on studies] 304 (11)Chlubna, F. An artist has left us [A.Wotawa] 119 (20)Chumakov, G. Russian Championship of Solving [2006] 212 (166)Comay, O. No big deal [Gady Costeff] 122 (184)Copie, J.A. Alberto Foguelman (1923-2013) 118 (196)Copie, J.A. Oscar J.Carlsson (1924-2011) 314 (186)Costeff, G. [Appreciation of John Roycroft, at 80] 310 (178 Supplement)Costeff, G. How I became a great composer 379 (159-62)Cozens, W.H. A note on the indexing of endgame studies 477 (16)Crouch, C. WR vs. bfPgPhP: GBR class 0100.03 275 (90)de Boer, J.H. My GBR class 0103 file 425 (80), 504 (81)de Feijter, C.J. A jewel that loses its lustre 297 (11)Dickins, A.S.M. [Appreciation of Harold Lommer] 403 (63)Didukh, S. An artist's distinctive style [Gady Costeff] 119 (184)Didukh, S. In the shadow of the check 475 (156)Didukh, S. Stalemate in positional draw mechanisms 63 (159-62)Dobrescu, E. The chess study as a multi-criteria system 30 (123)Eilazyan, E. The change theme in a study - Part 1 170 (181)Einat, P. Deep (Blue) Costeff 120 (184)Falk, L. Alexander Hildebrand (1921-2005) 582 (158)Fathi-Chelhod, J. Philip Stamma's Assyrian origin 226 (159-62)Fomichev, E.V. and Hlinka, M. On classical lines 452 (94)Formanek, B. To chess composers everywhere 271 (128)Gik, E. Maestro of the quartet [Kuzmichev] 252 (174)Godes, D. Refinement to a Kubbel classic 366 (111)Goldstein, A. David Przepiorka 314 (77)Goransson, B. Alexej Sergejevitj Selesnieff 342 (12)Goransson, B. Some errors in the study-collection \"100 Endspiele\" by A.S.Selesnieff 370 (13)Gorgiev, T.B. Single-type batteries 300 (11)Gorgiev, T.B. Study economy and \"grotesque\" positions 241 (25)Gorgiev, T.B. The study with the vanishing past ! 51 (35)Gorgiev, T.B. Two directions 42 (135)Gorgiev, T.B. The wandering king 6 (33), 111 (36), 117 (37)Grin, A. Semi-pawn studies 866 (121)Grondijs, H. [Editorial] 162 (107)Grondijs, H. Pawn's task 216 (108)Gurgenidze, D. When the echo resounds 274 (43)Gyarmati, P. Attila Koranyi 276 (128)Harman, J.R. The classification of endgame studies 180 (7)Harman, J.R. Judging studies [Rueb Supplements 2,3,4] 398 (30), 431 (31), 63 (35)Harman, J.R. A progress report 480 (16)Harman, J.R. A review of end-game studies embodying a Novotny/Plachutta [Rueb Supplement 5] 204 (40)Harman, J.R. The Rueb Supplement, No.1 [4-page insert] (28)Haworth, G., van der Heijden, H. and Bleicher, E. The data-mining of Studies Database HHdbIV 27 (191)Herbstman, A. A.A.Troitzky - founder of the contemporary chess study [1934] 677 (118)Herbstman, A. Memories of famous composers 429 (65)Hildebrand, A. Authorship and attribution in chess compositions 153 (72)Hildebrand, A. Professor Alexander Hildebrand 121 (71)Hoch, J. A basic idea (matrix) expressed in different ways (settings) 521 (50)Hooper, D.V. [Appreciation of Harold Lommer] 402 (63)Hooper, D.V. A source identified [Lasker-Capablanca ending] 180 (39)Hooper, D.V. The zugzwang and the squeeze 369 (29)Iqbal, A., van der Heijden, H. and Guid, M. Research grant to investigate multi-dimensional aesthetic perception using endgame studies 127 (180)Kalandadze, V. In memory of a colleague [Krikheli] 645 (98)Kalandadze, V. \"Local\" and \"global\" study ideas 432 (80)Kalandadze, V. and Roycroft, A.J. Ten of the world's best studies 381 (63)Kasparyan, G.M. [Appreciation of V.V.Yakimchik] 286 (60)Kasparyan, G.M. The classification of studies 25 (34)Kasparyan, G.M. Coincidence 366 (29)Kasparyan, G.M. An excursion into the last century 367 (29)Kasparyan, G.M. Improving studies 481 (16)Kasparyan, G.M. Not an original study [concerns 3369] 116 (55) Kasparyan, G.M. The technique of study composition 125 (6)Kasparyan, G.M. Themes, themes... 369 (45)Kasparyan, G.M. White minimals 117 (55)Kasparyan, G.M. You don't need formulae 276 (43)Katsnelson, L. Both sides sacrifice queens (development of an idea) 267 (59)Khait, A. Corrections to two studies by A.Galitzky 868 (121)Khait, A. Queen against 8 pawns 469 (142 supplement)Khait, A. Queen against two knights in studies 437 (93)Khait, A. Three picture studies 95 (136)Khait, A. Wins in GBR Class 4.10 (RP) 232 (89)Kopnin, A.G. Alternating blockade 243 (58)Kopnin, A.G. The exploitation of special positional features in endings with the material: Rook and Knight against Bishop and Knight 221 (74)Kopnin, A.G. Some special features of the endgame struggle Rook and Knight against 2 Knights 89 (70)Kopnin, A.G. Positional draws in GBR Class 0310.01 with centre pawn on any rank 193 (88)Koranyi, A. What is the difference 178 (126)Korn, W. In memoriam F.J.Prokop 181 (39)Korolkov, V. In defence of a young composer 94 (136)Korolkov, V. The \"technology\" of the chess study 540 (115)Kralin, N. and Pervakov, O. Harking back to a great study composer [Troitzky] 153 (125)Kubbel, L. The study and the practical endgame 309 (128)Kuzmichev, V. Trio ... trio! 333 (186)Kuznetsov, An.G. Groping towards the ideal [interview with Yakimchik] 250 (127)Kuznetsov, An.G. [Letter regarding Study of the Year] 378 (130)Lamford, P. The \"ECE\" endings classification system 273 (90)Larin, R. [Appreciation of John Roycroft, at 80] 312 (178 Supplement)Larin, R. and Shilenko, V. The patriarch of Siberian chess: K.K.Sukharev (1912-2004) 49 (163)Lecomte, R. Henri Rinck (1870-1952) 945 (102)Lemmey, W.H.M. and Whitworth, T.G. Black to move and lose 104 (54)Levitt, J. Positional draw 279 (110)Lommer, H.M. FIDE Album 1965-67 [statistics] 245 (25)Lommer, H.M. The Phoenix principle in the end-game 365 (13), p.515 (16)McDowell, M. An unknown Lasker study 110 (188)Manyakhin, A. Blockade yes! Fortress no! 429 (93)Manyakhin, A. Decisive moves by the queen 47 (135)Manyakhin, A. One composer's art 452 (142 supplement)Manyakhin, A. Queen and bishop against queen 194 (108)Manyakhin, A. Rare material - or \"eye-openers\" 96 (136)Manyakhin, A. and S. Seek and ye shall find 702 (99)Marwitz, J.H. and P.B. van Dalfsen John Selman (1910 - 2.i.78): an appreciation 290 (60), 330 (61), 352 (62) - NEEDS FURTHER REFERENCE REGARDING SELMAN/KOROLKOV STUDIESMayer, R. A (new) model to classify and solve studies 750 (147 supplement)Miller, A. Story of a composition 197 (39)Minski, M. and Roycroft, A.J. A dialogue between Martin Minski and John Roycroft 218 (166)Mortensen, J. The Toft collection 869 (121)Muzerie, H. The logical study 147 (106)Neidze, V. Comments on the 9th USSR Team Tourney [1975-76] 68 (53)Neidze, V. Unique studies 71 (69)Neistadt, V. Keeping on the romantic side 13 (183)Nestorescu, V. Romanian composers 229 (9), correction p.405 (14)Noi, D.N. The BSSR \"Zvyazda\" column and G.V.Afanasiev (1909-1971) 449 (94)Noi, D.N. A trio of little known Belorussian studies 701 (99)Novikov, G. Sergei G.Zhigis 328 (91)Nunn, J. Correcting unsound studies 122 (71), 313 (77)Nunn, J. Endgame studies: an exercise in frustration 343 (159-62)Nunn, J. Unsoundness in studies 323 (61)Olin, P. Study composing in the future 197 (151)Osintsev, S. [Obituary of V.A.Kalyagin] 212 (185)Pachman, V. \"Logical\" studies 317 (61)Pallier, A. A.O.Herbstman (1900-1982) [in 2 parts] 208 (189), 311 (190)Pallier, A. A.P.Kazantsev (1906-2002) 31 (183)Pallier, A. A.S.Gurvich (30ii1897 - 18xi1962) 126 (184)Pallier, A. Frederic Lazard (20iii1883 - 18xi1948) 182 (181)Pallier, A. Herman Mattison (28xii1894 - 16xi1932) 215 (185), 316 (186)Pallier, A. In the footsteps of Troitzky... Parts 1,2 11 (187), 116 (188)Pallier, A. Interesting anticipations 158 (106)Pallier, A. Nicolas Rossolimo (1910-1975) 120 (180)Pallier, A. (Second) thoughts about the World Championship Composing 281 (128)Pallier, A. A Soviet composer in the west [Gulyaev] 270 (182)Pallier, A. The studies collection of Marcel Lamare (1856-1937) 870 (121)Pallier, A. Study tourneys from the past: Catalonia 1914-1916) 125 (196)Pallier, A. Study tourneys from the past: La Strategie 13 (191), 115 (192), 214 (193), 317 (194)Pallier, A. A tourney from the past: the 1916 Rice Memorial Tournament 14 (195) Peronace, C.A. The middle of the board from the point of view of endings 408 (14)Pervakov, O. His life fulfilled, his play as well [Smyslov] 160 (181)Pervakov, O. How many strings to twist... 11 (179)Pervakov, O. Let's go to the corner! 89 (169)Pervakov, O. Pythagoras' trousers - Part 1 37 (175)Pervakov, O. The soul of chess 28 (171)Pervakov, O. The soul of chess - Part 2 175 (173)Pogosyants, E.L. Castling in studies 149 (56)Pogosyants, E.L. [Contribution to Essay Competition on soundness] 25 (68)Polasek, J. and Vlasak, E. Queen and rook on both sides 109 (180)Pye, R. An enquiry into excellence in study composition 638 (117)Razumenko, V.A. The Indian Theme in studies 580 (158)Rey Ardid, R. Memories of Henri Rinck 62 (69)Rossomakho, Yu. R.N.Aleksandrov (1911-1947): his achievements and his fate 263 (167)Roycroft, A.J. A 7-year mystery no largely solved [van Breukelen] 920 (122)Roycroft, A.J. XVIIIth meeting of FIDE Commission for Composition, Tbilisi, x.75 273 (43)Roycroft, A.J. AJR's ABC, no.20: T tolls for Troitzky 858 (102)Roycroft, A.J. An annotated game ending [Petrosian-Spassky, 1966] 108 (5)Roycroft, A.J. Assiac's 1400 New Statesman chess columns 401 (47)Roycroft, A.J. Awards in Russian Championships 159 (159-62)Roycroft, A.J. Believe it or not [on Bakaev] 149 (159-62)Roycroft, A.J. Bent (MT award) straightened 328 (178 Supplement)Roycroft, A.J. Boris Nikolaevich Sidorov (1937-2008) 100 (176)Roycroft, A.J. Charles Michael Bent 1919-2004 484 (156)Roycroft, A.J. Charm 333 (178 Supplement)Roycroft, A.J. Codex.. [Sub-Committee for Codex matters] 279 (43)Roycroft, A.J. Collecting the best [books on studies] 24 (2)Roycroft, A.J. Comment on John Beasley's contribution with respect to the \"50-move rule\" 834 (120)Roycroft, A.J. Comments on Richard Harman's article [on judging] 404 (30)Roycroft, A.J. Cozio! Part I 1 (33), also 86 (36)Roycroft, A.J. David Ionovich Bronstein (19ii1924 - 5xii2006) 274 (167)Roycroft, A.J. Donald Michie (1923-2007) 156 (170)Roycroft, A.J. [Editorial on 50-move rule] 1 (123)Roycroft, A.J. Editorials 1 (1), 33 (3), 93 (5), 261 (10), 697 (99), 813 (101), 330 (111), 117 (125), 325 (129), 495 (132), 243 (139), 591 (145), 51 (149), 103 (150), 247 (152), 299 (153)Roycroft, A.J. Endgame study literature - a personal classification 409 (159-62)Roycroft, A.J. The ethical endgame study 90 (149)Roycroft, A.J. FIDE IGM Dr Gia Nadareishvili 153 (106)Roycroft, A.J. FIDE PCCC sessions, Rio de Janeiro 2009 and after 128 (180)Roycroft, A.J. GBR class 0023 - a win. What about 0061.10 330 (178 Supplement)Roycroft, A.J. The GBR class 3002/1006 187 (173)Roycroft, A.J. Greater strictness in tourneys 157 (72)Roycroft, A.J. Interview with Yochanan Afek 447 (155)Roycroft, A.J. John MacCarthy (1927-2011) 219 (189) Roycroft, A.J. John Selman and Saavedra - laying the story to rest! 906 (122)Roycroft, A.J. Juri Randviir 6 (123)Roycroft, A.J. Ladislav Prokes, the player's composer 157 (7)Roycroft, A.J. Leopold Adamovich Mitrofanov [obituary] 198 (108)Roycroft, A.J. The \"little green book\" 231 (159-62)Roycroft, A.J. A might-have-been [AJR promotion study] 86 (4)Roycroft, A.J. A note on 2 S's v R + B 197 (8), 376 (13)Roycroft, A.J. [Obituary of A.P.Grin] 364 (129)Roycroft, A.J. [Obituary of G.M.Kasparyan] 789 (120), 919 (122)Roycroft, A.J. OTB interlude 491 (159-62)Roycroft, A.J. Philidor - in '94 229 (159-62)Roycroft, A.J. Philip Stamma: why he left France for England 215 (159-62)Roycroft, A.J. The Porterfield Rynd affair 523 (143)Roycroft, A.J. Posthumous studies of Helmut Steniczka 800 (120)Roycroft, A.J. Posthumous studies of Leopold Mitrofanov 795 (120)Roycroft, A.J. Reti manoeuvre or Marco manoeuvre 375 (13)Roycroft, A.J. The Roycroft Jubilee Tourney of EG 201 (57)Roycroft, A.J. S.Kozlowski [contains all his known studies] 42 (18)Roycroft, A.J. Solving at the top level 180 (126)Roycroft, A.J. Solving - the old-fashioned way 289 (159-62)Roycroft, A.J. Some lesser known Kasparyan studies 68 (19)Roycroft, A.J. Soundness: the composer's responsibility [AJR's summary] 57 (69)Roycroft, A.J. Studies .. what next 452 (48)Roycroft, A.J. Studies postscript to Jurmala 2008 report 68 (176)Roycroft, A.J. Subjective highlights of a not-very-eventful life 537 (159-62)Roycroft, A.J. Theo van Spijk (1933-2007) 157 (170)Roycroft, A.J. Towards a typology of duals in studies 642 (117)Roycroft, A.J. Two Russian enigmas 938 (102)Roycroft, A.J. The USSR, the West and \"What is to be done\" 323 (91)Roycroft, A.J. Urusov and you! 261 (167)Roycroft, A.J. Walter Veitch (1923-2004) 397 (154)Roycroft, A.J. and Bantish, N. Human values in the computer age 293 (159-62)Rusinek, J. Grzegorz Grzeban 1902-1991 99 (106)Rusinek, J. Stalemate by pinning in the middle of the board 3 (51)Rusinek, J. Studies in the FIDE Album 1986-88 66 (105)Sahasrabudhe, S.T. [Contribution to Essay Competition on soundness] 25 (68)Sahasrabudhe, S.T. The presentation of artistic studies 354 (62)Sarychev, A. A classic of study composition [T.B.Gorgiev] 497 (49)Schlosser, M. How a computer discovered an unusual draw 529 (95)Selman, J. Another \"kill\" by C.J. de Feijter 299 (11)Selman, J. Troitzky's 1910 article 293 (11)Senkus, R. Kestutis Stalioraitis (1909-1979) 647 (98)Sidorov, B. Gorgeous grotesques 387 (141)Slepyan, G. Interview with G.Slepyan of Belorussia 4 (123)Slepyan, G. The \"Troitzky line\" and the contemporary study 43 (135)Sobey, A.J. The modern miniature 76 (4)Sobey, A.J. Pawnlessness 335 (12)Speelman, J. The \"Szen Position\" 185 (73)Stephenson, B.D. Selecting and marking studies for solving 321 (178 Supplement)Sumbatyan, K. [Appreciation of JOhn Roycroft, at 80] 311 (178 Supplement)Sumbatyan, K. Hamlet Gehamovich Amiryan (1934-2013) 121 (196)Telesin, J. Can B+S (GBR class 0011.00) give checkmate on 1000 x 1000 chessboard 190 (73)Thorne, H.W. Letter on attempts to compose 262 (10)Timman, J. Five for computers, but six for humans 225 (88)Timman, J. Rook and pawn versus bishop and pawn revisited 15 (183)Tkachenko, S. In the master's footsteps [Troitzky] 282 (110)Tkachenko, S.N. and Didukh, S. An earthly pawn passion or The Master's miraculous resurrection [Zinar] 151 (173)Troitzky, A.A. Fundamentals of the composition of chess studies 294 (11) 28 Troitzky, A.A. [Introduction to 1934 collection] 740 (119)Teodoru, G. Engineer Paul Farago - Honoured Master of Sport - is no longer with us 273 (26)Ulrichsen, J.H. [Obituary of Alexander Hildebrand] 583 (158)Umnov, G. A reciprocal zugzwang paradox 192 (137)Umnov, E. Schools and styles in the modern study 153 (38), see p.226Valois, P.S. Early days of EG, and the New Statesman 324 (178 Supplement)Valois, P.S [Editorial] 17 (2), 61 (4)van de Gevel, E. Jurassic Park 101 (164)van der Heijden, H. 54th World Congress of Chess Composition 312 (186)van der Heijden, H. Endgame study bibliography 2000-2008 266 (174)van der Heijden, H. Famous Behting study cooked - and saved ! 307 (190)van der Heijden, H. George Teodoru 80 31 (191)van der Heijden, H. HHdbIV 263 (182)van der Heijden, H. Julien Vandiest (15vi1919 - 2iii2011) 112 (184)van der Heijden, H. A minor dual is not a big deal 130 (170)van der Heijden, H. Mrs Jowes 38 (168)van der Heijden, H. My computerised collection 410 (130)van der Heijden, H. \"New\" German endgame studies discovered 220 (189)van der Heijden, H. Obituary: Lex Jongsma 28 (195)van der Heijden, H. 2nd Tata Steel Chess and Studies Day 2011 115 (184)van der Heijden, H. 4th Tata Steel Chess and Studies Day 2013 107 (192)van der Heijden, H. Thompson's CD-ROMs 553 (133)van der Heijden, H. [Tributes to John Roycroft] 263 (178)van der Heijden, H. Wijk aan Zee (endgame study) solving 112 (188)van der Heijden, H., Bleicher, E. and Haworth, G. Endgame table testing of studies - I,II 114 (180), 163 (181)van Essen, M. and Roycroft, A.J. Interview: Questions from EG's Chief Editor 55 (159-62)van Reek, J. Computers and the endgame study 34 (104)van Reek, J. [Editorial] 98 (106)van Reek, J. Jan Hendrik Marwitz, 1915-1991 95 (105)van Reek, J. Silly themes 154 (106)van Reek, J. The take-over of EG by ARVES 2 (103)van Tets, A. 63 studies by Albert van Tets 518 (143) 580 (144) 617 (145)van Tets, A. Rook promotions in the defence 450 (48)Vandecasteele, I. About an idea 281 (43)Vandiest, J. The Halberstadt connection 163 (107)Vandiest, J. In the footsteps of father Rinck 147 (56)Vandiest, J. Jigissaw puzzle [on S.Zhigis] 408 (64)Vandiest, J. Let bygones never be bygones! 405 (64)Veitch, W. The Codex for Chess Compositions 361 (29)Veitch, W. An episode with Ellison 4 (135)Veitch, W. Forty years on 282 (26)Veitch, W. I like endings, but... 456 (15)Veitch, W. K+2R+S against K+Q 431 (131)Veitch, W. Memory corner 473 (131)Veitch, W. Retroanalysis and Codex again 83 (36)Vickery, J. Are classic studies still being composed 169 (177)Vickery, J. [Letter about studies in EG] 584 (158)Vladimirov, Ya. A magician of the study [Yakimchik] 285 (60)Vlasak, E. 7-man alternatives 214 (189)Vlasak, E. Advanced features of CQL 275 (178)Vlasak, E. Basics (3): Hash tables 41 (171)Vlasak, E. Cannot open PGN 22 (195)Vlasak, E. Chess data formats and utilities 259 (174)Vlasak, E. Chess engines 264 (182)Vlasak, E. Computer aided composing 130 (184)Vlasak, E. Computer recognition of beauty in chess 31 (175)Vlasak, E. CQL for dummies 76 (176)Vlasak, E. Databases of zugzwangs and squeezes 179 (181)Vlasak, E. EGTB news [Lomonosov, Syzygy tables] 130 (196)Vlasak, E. First 7-man Lomonosov Tables available 121 (192)Vlasak, E. First look into the computer kitchen 86 (169)Vlasak, E. Free chess software for endgame studies 17 (179)Vlasak, E. Frantisek Macek (1909-2003) 97 (149)Vlasak, E. Go online 178 (177)Vlasak, E. Harold's new database 26 (183)Vlasak, E. Looking far ahead 219 (193)Vlasak, E. Mario Matous (16vi1947 - 4vii2013) 322 (194)Vlasak, E. Matous versus computer 328 (194)Vlasak, E. Miniatures: a unique interpretation [G.Costeff] 121 (184)Vlasak, E. Not only databases 168 (173)Vlasak, E. Obituary: Jan Sevcik 26 (195)Vlasak, E. The pros and cons of chess engines 148 (170)Vlasak, E. Top chess engines 2007 130 (172)Vlasak, E. Victims of 7-man endgame databases 40 (168)Vlasak, E. Vladimir Kos (1928-2007) 154 (170)Vlasak, E. What is \"Let's Check\" 16 (187)Vlasenko, V. Calling the computer! 188 (137)Wade, R.G. The borderline between artistic and practical endings 97 (5)Whitworth, T.G. A dip into the archives 39 (171)Whitworth, T.G. Kubbel - a case of lese majeste 69 (69) see also 252 (75)Whitworth, T.G. The Platov brothers - a postscript 826 (120)Whitworth, T.G. Soundness: the study composer's responsibility 1 (67)Whitworth, T.G. Variations on a pawn ending theme 456 (48)Whitworth, T.G. and Byway, P.V. Troitzky revisited 89 (124)Widlert, K. [Obituary of Bo Lindgren] 211 (185)Whyld, K. Forgotten talent 626 (145)Whyld, K. [Obituary of David Hooper] 367 (129) 153554b96e